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Angela Whitten (Stevens)

I grew up surrounded by love, but always battling with my mental health.  Depression, anxiety, and attention deficit disorder are challenges I’m very familiar with.  I’m a ‘be kind, but take no crap’ kind of person, and when I’m passionate about something, neither hell nor high water will stop me from reaching my goal.  After losing Trent in June of 2022, my strongest devotion in life has become mental health and suicide awareness.

A Bit About Me

Schools: Stearns High School, University of Maine

Occupation: Veterinary Medicine Practice Manager

Family: Donnie (husband), Caden and Trent (sons), Tyler, Evan and Conner (step-sons)

Hometown: Grew up in Millinocket Maine, but Wells has been my hometown for almost 20 year

Favorite food: I LOVE trying new foods, but comfort foods are my go-to

Favorite song/band: Stevie Ray Vaughn

Hobbies/interests: hiking and backpacking, road trips, fishing, hunting, farming, photography, music of all genres, bonfires with good friends

Pets: Magnum, 8 year old lab/pit mix, Levi 7 month old pit mix

Favorite color: olive green

Pet peeve: People who don’t stand by their word

Favorite quote:You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” – Sylvester Stallone, Rocky Balboa


Donnie Whitten

My goal as part of Stay; For Life was to help just one person to stay alive, to help just one family avoid the tragic loss of a loved one. I know we’ve succeeded in reaching that goal. Going forward my focus will always remain on helping just one more person, and one more family. There will always be one more person we can help with suicide prevention and men’s mental health resources.

A Bit About Me

School: Wells High School/ UMaine Orono

Occupation: PE Teacher

Family: Tyler 25, Evan 23, Conner 17

Hometown: Wells, Maine

Favorite food: Fried Chicken

Favorite song/band: Ozzy

Hobbies/interests: Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Riding Motorcycles

Pets: Magnum 8, pit mix, Levi almost 1, pit mix rescue

Favorite color: Green

Pet peeve: Driving slow in the passing lane on the highway

Favorite quote:Everyone has a plan ‘till they get punched in the mouth.” -Mike Tyson

Margo Stevens

Stay; For Life was created in the aftermath of tragedy. Our world was rocked to the core after losing our sweet nephew, Trent, to suicide in the early summer of 2022. After picking up the pieces and being left with a fervent desire to do something, our mission at Stay; For Life was born. I feel driven to spread awareness of the importance of mental health (specifically men’s mental health) and the message that there is always hope and with help, things can get better.

A Bit About Me

School: University of Maine Orono, Bachelor’s in Science Education K-8, class of 2003

Occupation: Middle School Teacher – I teach 7th and 8th grade Science, Engineering, and Outdoor Ed and I LOVE it!

Family: Married to the love of my life, Josh, for 18 years! 3 beautiful children (May, Lexxi, and Treyce) and a super cool 6 year old grandson, Brody Michael.

Hometown: I grew up in Bangor, Maine

Favorite food: This is hard to narrow down… anybody that knows me knows how much I love food! I guess I’d have to say dark chocolate!

Favorite song/band: Rage Against the Machine. Yup, I like my music loud and rockin!

Hobbies/interests: I love to go for walks with my dog Finn, cross-country skiing, hiking, kayaking, going to camp, and just being with family having fun!

Pets: Our handsome flashy-brindle Boxer boy, Finn

Favorite color: Purple (I believe this is the color of hope)

Pet peeve: Dishonesty… just tell me how it really is, I can take it 🙂

Favorite quote:Even in the darkest of days, there is always a light of hope.

Josh Stevens

My goal for being part of Stay for life was simply to try to help others through my experiences. Suicide is an epidemic today and have lost more friends than I can count. I have struggled with suicidal ideation much of my life. I’ve always felt like I didn’t fit in to polite society. I am a misfit, an outlaw one who has always felt more comfortable on the fringes of society. As a recovering addict and alcoholic and having survived an attempted Suicide myself I know I have valuable insight that I hope by sharing can have an impact on someone else or others.

A Bit About Me

Schools: Stearns High School and University Maine Augusta mental health and substance abuse counseling

Occupation: currently general contractor, professional chef for many years and still love cooking

Family: was fortunate enough to marry my very best friend. I knew very early on Margo was the one. We have been married for nearly 20 years and look forward to each and every day we are fortunate enough to spend together. We have raised 3 amazing children together Meshel, Alexxus and Treyce.

Hometown: Millinocket, Maine

Favorite foods: wild game and seafood (meat and potatoes)

Hobbies: motorcycles, billiards, hunting, fly fishing, foraging, survivalist studies, gardening, natural plant medicine  and homesteading

Pets: Finn the boxer forever missing his big brother Redd the boxer

Colors: camo colors, earth tones, black

Pet peeves: mispronounced words

Quote: The most terrifying force comes from the hands of men who only want to be left alone. They try to mind their own, to provide for themselves and those they care about and love. They resist every impulse to fight back knowing when their hand is forced the permanent change of life that shall come from it. 

Amy Murphy

Angela and I became friends 10 years ago when our boys began wrestling together on the Wells Rec wrestling team.  We have gone on many adventures together over the years, they are our chosen family. She is my soul sister. I love her boys as my own, just as she loves my children as her own.  When Trent died, it shook us all and we were left feeling helpless.  Stay; For Life has given us a purpose and a way to move through our grief to help others.

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The Stay: For Life website should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, counseling, or health-related services. We do not offer crisis counseling or emergency services. If you feel that you are in a crisis situation, please call 911 or go to your closest emergency room. You can call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. It is a free, 24-hour hotline should you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or thinking about hurting themself.

Stay; For Life is a proud member of the Maine Association of Nonprofits logo
Stay; For Life is a Certified 501(c)(3) Nonprofit