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Alliance of Hope logo

Alliance of Hope

The Alliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors was created by survivors for survivors. Theye provide online healing support and other services for people who are coping with devastating loss to suicide.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention logo

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

AFSP is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide, including those who have experienced aย loss.ย  AFSP creates a culture thatโ€™s smart about mental health.

Bread of Life Logo

Bread of Life

Bread of Life Ministries feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless, and provides services that help people change thier lives and take personal responsibility.

Cereal for Dinner logo

Cereal for Dinner

Cereal For Dinner is a collection of practical, realistic resources for living with clinical depression, created by people living with depression, for people living with depression. Cereal for Dinner resources were created to meet you where youโ€™re at right now, not where you โ€œshouldโ€ be. They were designed to support you with 1. coping with depression day-to-day and 2. taking attainable steps toward wellness, when youโ€™re ready.

Common Ties Mental Health Services Logo

Common Ties Mental Health Services

Our case management team works with adults living with mental illnesses, and who are often challenged with a co-occurring substance abuse, to develop an individual plan to access resources, improve skills, and manage symptoms of their illness. We also help with employment, education, psychiatric, and counseling services to meet your needs and help you achieve your individual goals.

Compass Logo


Compass is a support, information, and social group for people assigned female at birth who feel that is not an accurate or complete description of their gender.

Equality Maine

Equality Maine

Our mission is to protect and advance full equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Mainers by creating an inclusive and intersectional movement through political action, community building, education, engagement and collaboration.ย 

Grief Refuge logo

Grief Refuge

Grief support in the form of comfort and relief, daily.ย  Grief Refuge provides a mobile app to help individuals feel comforted, cared for, and supported throughout their grief journey.

Healing After Loss Book Cover

Healing After Loss, Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief

Book by Martha Whitmore Hickman

I personally found this book incredibly helpful.ย  Itโ€™s not rainbows and roses, itโ€™s real grief.ย  It gives you a new perspective to think about each day.” -Angela

Helpline Center logo

Helpline Center

This website provides a wide variety of topics and resources related to coping with suicide loss and grief.

Maine.gov logo

Maine Grief Support Groups

Maine Support Groups by County listed on the State of Maine website.

MaineHealth logo

Maine Health Grief Support

State of Maine Grief Support Resources listed by County.

Maine Veterans' Homes logo

Maine Veterans’ Homes

MVH provides compassionate care, rehabilitative and therapy services, long, short, and skilled nursing care. We provide top quality care, compassionate support and peace of mind for Veterans and thier families.

Mindfulness for Teens

Mindfulness for Teens

Powerful skills to help you handle stress one moment at a time.ย Includes youth stories and guided meditations, as well as book and app recommendations.

Mission 22 Logo

Mission 22

Mission 22 provides support to veterans and thier families when they need it most: right now. Through a comprehensive approach of outreach, events, and programs, we’re promoting long-term wellness and sustainable growth.ย 

NAMI logo


NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.

Nami Maine logo

Nami Maine

Through support, education, and advocacy NAMI Maine is dedicated to building better lives for the 1 in 4 Mainers who are affected by mental illness. Includes suicide prevention, mental health awareness, and support for those affected by suicide.

National Eating Disorders Association logo

National Eating Disorders Association

The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

Northern Light Acadia Hospital

Northern Light Acadia Hospital

Northern Light Acadia Hospital is a psychiatric hospital in Bangor, Maine. We provide inpatient and outpatient behavioral care for children, teens, and adults while specializing in the treatment of mental illness and addiction.

Out Maine Logo

Out Maine

At OUT Maine, we have an ambitious goal: to help Maineโ€™s diverse queer youth thrive by demonstrating how much they matter. We do this by creating more welcoming and affirming communities for LGBTQ+ youth in all of their intersectional identities. We seek to strengthen communities by changing the very systems that serve youthโ€”schools, health care, foster care, community organizations, and more.

PIER Program Graphic

Pier Program

As a coordinated team, we work together to provide participants and their families the most high-quality, specialized care that exists in mental health treatment today. We are most proud of integrating participant and family voice in all aspects of the treatment and the community outreach that we deliver.

SAGe Logo

SAGE Maine

SAGE Maine is dedicated to improving quality of life for older LGBT people living in Maine through advocacy, education, and social support. In addition to drop-in centers in Augusta, Bangor, Damariscotta, Ellsworth, and Farmington, SAGE Maine offers monthly meals and a telephone support group. This affiliate also has members who conduct LGBT cultural competency trainings across the state.

Seize the Awkward logo

Seize the Awkward

Help with learning how to start conversations with friends and loved ones around mental health. Starting a conversation around mental health does not need to be uncomfortable, and it can make all the difference.

Still With Us Book Cover

Still With Us, Voices of Sibling Suicide Loss Survivors

Book by Lena M.Q. Heilmann

Save logo

Suicide Awareness, Voices of Education

SAVE focuses its efforts and resources on six main program areas: Public Awareness, Education, Training and Consulting, Grief Support, Products & Resources, and Research and Innovation.

Teen Text Support Line

Text 207-515-8398. We’re here for you every day from 2pm – 10pm EST.

This peer support text line is for youth 13 – 24 years old and is staffed by individuals 18 – 24.

The Compassionate Friends Logo

The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.

The Jed Foundation logo

The Jed Foundation

Strengthening the emotional health of teens and young adults so they can thrive today and tomorrow. JED also focuses on preventing substance abuse, self-harm, and suicide as a result of emotional distress.

The Kita Center logo

The Kita Center

Preventing suicide by building intentional environments to foster connections and a lifelong engagement with mental wellness.

Home of Camp Kita

The Trevor Project Logo

The Trevor Project

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We believe LGBTQ young people deserve a welcoming, loving world. And we wake up every day dedicated to making that a reality.

Travis Mills Foundation Logo

Travis Mills Foundation

TMF supports post 911 recalibrated veterens and their families through various programs that help these heroic men and women overvome physical and emotional obstacles, strengthen thier families, and provide well – deserved rest and relaxation.

White Flag App Logo

White Flag

White Flag is a free and anonymous app that connects you to peers based on your similarities and peers facing the same mental health challenges that you do. White Flag is a safe, anonymous way to connect with peers that understand how you are feeling and what you may be going through.

Yellow Tulip Project Logo

Yellow Tulip Project

YTP’s mission is to smash the stigma surrounding mental illness and to build a community of people that realize when hope happens when youth and community leaders work together.

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Find out about our upcoming events and receive mental health resources.

The Stay: For Life website should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, counseling, or health-related services. We do not offer crisis counseling or emergency services. If you feel that you are in a crisis situation, please call 911 or go to your closest emergency room. You can call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. It is a free, 24-hour hotline should you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or thinking about hurting themself.

Stay; For Life is a proud member of the Maine Association of Nonprofits logo
Stay; For Life is a Certified 501(c)(3) Nonprofit