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Veteran's Resources

American flag blowing in wind

Dedicated support for veterans, including mental health resources, reintegration assistance, and guidance for navigating unique challenges.

Maine Veterans' Homes logo

Maine Veterans’ Homes

MVH provides compassionate care, rehabilitative and therapy services, long, short, and skilled nursing care. We provide top quality care, compassionate support and peace of mind for Veterans and thier families.

Mission 22 Logo

Mission 22

Mission 22 provides support to veterans and thier families when they need it most: right now. Through a comprehensive approach of outreach, events, and programs, we’re promoting long-term wellness and sustainable growth. 

Travis Mills Foundation Logo

Travis Mills Foundation

TMF supports post 911 recalibrated veterens and their families through various programs that help these heroic men and women overvome physical and emotional obstacles, strengthen thier families, and provide well – deserved rest and relaxation.

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The Stay: For Life website should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, counseling, or health-related services. We do not offer crisis counseling or emergency services. If you feel that you are in a crisis situation, please call 911 or go to your closest emergency room. You can call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. It is a free, 24-hour hotline should you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or thinking about hurting themself.

Stay; For Life is a proud member of the Maine Association of Nonprofits logo
Stay; For Life is a Certified 501(c)(3) Nonprofit